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匹配条件: “Antonio Celso Pezzato” ,找到相关结果约39152条。
Desempenho da tilápia-do-Nilo arra oada com dietas contendo farinha de sangue bovino atomizado ou convencional = Performance of nile tilapia fed with spray-dried or vat-dries bovine blood meal
Willian Vicente Narváez-Solarte,Antonio Celso Pezzato,Luiz Edivaldo Pezzato,Margarida Maria Barros
Acta Scientiarum : Animal Sciences , 2011,
Abstract: Foi avaliado o desempenho e os índices de rendimento da tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) alimentada com níveis crescentes de farinha de sangue atomizado (FSA) ou de farinha de sangue convencional (FSC) em dietas formuladas com base em aminoácidos digestíveis. Foram utilizados 252 alevinos, distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial (2 x 4) + 1, duas classes de farinha de sangue com quatro níveis de inclus o de cada farinha na dieta, e uma dieta-controle, com quatro repeti es. Os tratamentos consistiram em uma dieta-controle à base de farelo de soja, contendo 34% de proteína digestível (PD) e 3.200 kcal de energia digestível kg-1 (ED), mais quatro ra es formuladas com FSA e quatro ra es com FSC, com inclus es de 5, 10, 15 e 20% de cada farinha na ra o, mantendo-se os níveis de PD, ED, fósforo, cálcio, lisina, metionina, treonina e triptofano idênticos aos da dieta-controle. Concluiu-se que é possível utilizar até 15% da FSC em ra es para tilápia-do-Nilo na fase de 5 a 150 g de peso vivo. The study evaluated the performance and carcass composition index of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with diets containing increasing levels of spray-dried blood meal (SDBM) and vat-dried blood meal (VDBM) and formulated based on digestible amino acids. Two hundred and fifty-two fingerlings were distributed in a completelyrandomized design, in a (2 x 4) + 1 factorial model, two types of blood meal with four levels of each blood meal in the diet, and a control diet (without blood meal), with four replications. The treatments consisted of soybean meal-based control diet, with 34%digestible protein (DP) and 3,200 kcal of digestible energy kg-1 (DE), plus four diets formulated with SDBM and four diets with VDBM, containing 5, 10, 15 and 20% of each meal in feed, maintaining identical DP, DE, phosphorus, calcium, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan levels as those of the control diet. The results show that it is possible to use up to 15% VDBM in diets of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) between 5 to 150 g of body weight.
Hematologia de tilápias-do-nilo alimentadas com dietas com óleos vegetais e estimuladas pelo frio
Araujo, Daniel de Magalh?es;Pezzato, Antonio Celso;Barros, Margarida Maria;Pezzato, Luiz Edivaldo;Nakagome, Fernando Kojima;
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X2011000300010
Abstract: the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of diets with different omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratios on the hematological parameters and plasma lipids of nile tilapia before and after cold stress. a total of 320 tilapia juveniles sex-inverted males (±7.50 g) were randomly distributed into 40 tanks (250 l) and feed with eight diets: basal (without oil supplementation), 6% sunflower oil (so), 5% so + 1% linseed oil (lo), 4% so + 2% lo, 3% so + 3% lo, 2% so + 4% lo, 1% so + 5% lo, and 6% lo. hematological parameters and plasma lipids were evaluated 85 days after cultivation and three days after cold stress. diets had no effect on any of the analyzed variables before cold stress. the number of leukocytes decreased in fish fed the 6% lo diet, after cold stress. cold stress worsened fish health, causing leukopoenia. nile tilapia fed 6% lo diet presented less resistance to cold.
Digestibilidade Aparente de Ingredientes pela Tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus)
Pezzato, Luiz Edivaldo;Miranda, Edma Carvalho de;Barros, Margarida Maria;Pinto, Luis Gabriel Quintero;Furuya, Wilson Massumitu;Pezzato, Antonio Celso;
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-35982002000700001
Abstract: apparent digestibility of corn, corn-starch, extruded corn, corn-germ, sorghum, wheat middlings, rice meal, corn gluten meal, gluten 60, soybean meal, canola meal, cottonseed meal, fish meal, meat and bone meal, poultry by-product meal, blood meal and poultry feathers hydrolyzed meal were determined for nile tilapia juveniles (100±10 g) fed purified diet and 0.10% chromic oxide. fish were maintained in 5 aquaria (250 l) at a density of 20 fish/aquarium for feeding, between 8a.m. and 5:30 p.m. after this period, they were transferred for aquaria (300 l) appropriate for fecal collection. the apparent digestibility of nutrient was determined by assessing the difference between the feed and fecal concentrations of the marker. results of this study indicate that among energetic ingredients, corn, extruded corn, wheat middlings and rice meal had the highest apparent digestibility coefficient and gluten 60, corn gluten meal, canola meal for proteic ingredients. among animal sources, poultry by-product and fish meal showed high apparent coefficients and, poultry feathers hydrolyzed and blood meal low apparent coefficients for nile tilapia.
Ciência Animal Brasileira , 2011,
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of glutamine supplementation of the diet on intestinal mucosa morphology, performance, and egg quality of commercial laying hens, submitted to heat stress and thermoneutral conditions. In this study, 96 (Isa Babcock) laying hens at 35 weeks of age were used and distributedin a completely randomized design according to a 2x2 factorial arrangement, with two levels of ambient temperature (thermoneutral and hot) and two levels of glutamine in the diet (0.0 and 1.0% of inclusion), in 6 replicates of 4 hens per box. Feed intake, daily eggproduction, feed conversion per kilogram of eggs, and egg quality were obtained in two periods of 28 days each. Heat stress decreased egg production and quality, and glutamine supplementation improved egg quality and feed conversion. The heat and glutamine upplementationprovided an increase in calliciform cells quantity in duodenum and ileum, respectively. Significant morphological modifications in the intestinal mucosa of laying hens were not found.
Rastreabilidade da farinha de carne e ossos bovinos em ovos de poedeiras comerciais pela técnica dos isótopos estáveis do carbono e nitrogênio
Denadai, Juliana Célia;Ducatti, Carlos;Sartori, José Roberto;Pezzato, Antonio Celso;Gottmann, Rosana;
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-35982011001200021
Abstract: the objective of this study was to trace the inclusion of bovine meat and bones meal in diets of laying hens analyzing eggs and theirs fractions (yolk and albumen), by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, as well as to evaluate the detectable analytical minimal index. two hundred and forty (240) shaver white laying hens aging 73 weeks were distributed in a completely randomized design, with five treatments and six replicates. five increasing levels (0; 1.5; 3.0; 4.5 and 6.0%) of bovine meat and bones meal in a diet based on corn and soybean meal were evaluated. on the 35th day, 24 eggs per treatment were randomly collected, twelve for yolk and albumen sampling and another twelve for egg (yolk + albumen) sampling. the isotopic results were analyzed in a multivariate analysis of variance. through an error matrix (95% confidence) the ellipses were determined to identify the differences between results obtained with supply of experimental diets and control diet, without 3% bovine meat and bones meal. in egg and yolk, from the isotopes pair of the diet with 3% bovine meat and bones meal, there was differentiation in the pair of the control treatment, whereas in the albumen it was possible to detect the 1.5 bovine meat and bones meal. the stable isotopes technique is able to trace the use of bovine meat and bones meal in laying hens feed; the minimal traceable level of inclusion is 1.5% in the albumen and 3.0% in the egg and yolk.
Silagem de gr os úmidos de milho na alimenta o de frangos de corte
Sartori José Roberto,Costa Ciniro,Pezzato Antonio Celso,Martins Cyntia Ludovico
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , 2002,
Abstract: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a silagem de gr os úmidos de milho (SGUM) como ingrediente nas ra es de frangos de corte, em substitui o total aos gr os secos de milho (GSM), no desempenho, no rendimento da carca a, no peso dos órg os e na morfologia intestinal. No primeiro experimento, 600 pintainhos machos Ross foram distribuídos em blocos casualizados, com seis tratamentos (A: GSM de 1-42 dias; B: SGUM de 1-42 dias; C: SGUM de 1-7 dias e GSM de 8-42 dias; D: SGUM de 1-14 dias e GSM de 15-42 dias; E: SGUM de 1-21 dias e GSM de 22-42 dias; F: GSM + água de 1-42 dias), com quatro repeti es, de 25 aves. No segundo experimento, foram utilizados 24 pintainhos machos Ross, distribuídos ao acaso, em dois tratamentos (com e sem SGUM) e 12 repeti es cada. A SGUM até 21 dias de idade n o interferiu no desempenho das aves e no rendimento de carca a aos 42 dias de idade. Frangos alimentados com SGUM apresentaram maior peso relativo do fígado, menor largura das vilosidades do duodeno e íleo, maior altura de vilosidade no jejuno aos 21 dias, e menor profundidade de cripta no duodeno e no íleo aos 42 dias de idade. A SGUM pode ser considerada um ingrediente em dietas de frangos de corte até 21 dias de idade, por n o interferir no peso final das aves, no rendimento de carca a e peso dos órg os.
Avalia??o nutricional, em tilápias-do-nilo, de farinhas de sangue bovino obtidas por três métodos de processamento
Pezzato, Antonio Celso;Narváez-Solarte, Wiliam Vicente;Pezzato, Luiz Edivaldo;Barros, Margarida Maria;Koch, Jo?o Fernando Albers;Fernandes Junior, Ademir Calvo;
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-35982012000300004
Abstract: three kinds of blood meal coming from different processing conditions (spray-dried, drum-dried and vat-dried blood meals) were evaluated. protein extraction and fractionation were performed in each blood meal type to determine the molecular weight profile, which was compared with standard bovine blood in natura. in vitro digestibility analyses of the protein in the diets were carried out in samples, which underwent defattening process or not. the apparent digestibility coefficients of the blood meal in vivo nutrients was determined with the creation of four diets; one of them did not have blood meal, called purified reference diet. for this stage, nile-tilapia juveniles, with 100.00±5.0 g/fish of average weight were stocked in tanks of 250 liters in a completely randomized blocks design with four replicates and 10 fish per experimental unit. the test diets were obtained with the introduction of 30% of the blood meals in the study. the protein structure of the blood in natura is affected by high temperature and length of time of processing, resulting in an increase in the amount of low molecular weight peptides, and free amino acids, corresponding to low values of blood meal protein digestibility, both in- vivo and in-vitro tests. spray-dried blood meal and drum-dried blood meal are efficiently used by the nile-tilapia. in the regular blood meal, protein has lower value than the two other blood meal types. at the development of diets containing blood meal for nile-tilapia, isoleucine must be the first limiting amino acid, followed by methionine + cystine, arginine, and threonine, which were found in critical levels for this specie, mainly in the conventional blood meal.
Enzima e simbiótico para frangos criados nos sistemas convencional e alternativo
Sartori, José Roberto;Pereira, Kelly Almeida;Gon?alves, Jane Cristina;Cruz, Valquíria Ca??o da;Pezzato, Antonio Celso;
Ciência Rural , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-84782007000100038
Abstract: this research was aimed at evaluating the effects of enzyme and symbiotic inclusion in broilers diets bred in conventional and alternative systems on performance, carcass yield, cuts, abdominal fat and economic return these additives in both breeding systems. 720 one-day old male cobb chicks were distributed in randomized blocks design according to a 2x3 factorial, two breeding systems: conventional (with growth promoter) and alternative (no growth promoter) and three additives: no additive (na), symbiotic (sy) and symbiotic + enzyme (sye), with four replicates of 30 broilers each. at 42 days old, the production factor (pf) was lower in na broiler chickens (324) as broiler chickens supplemented with sy (334) and sye (337). broiler bred in conventional system showed higher pf (338) as broilers bred in alternative system (325). in alternative breeding system, the feed conversion was better in sy broilers (1.77) as sye (1.82) and na (1.85) broilers. the sy and sye use improve the performance of broiler chickens at 42 days old and it doesn?t affect carcass yield, cuts, and abdominal fat, in conventional or alternative system; moreover these additives increase production costs in both systems. alternative system provide higher economic return, despite of lower production factor.
Avalia??o do desempenho e do rendimento de carca?a de quatro linhagens de frangos de corte em dois sistemas de cria??o
Madeira, Luciene Aparecida;Sartori, José Roberto;Araujo, Priscila Cavalca;Pizzolante, Carla Cachoni;Saldanha, érika Salgado Politi Braga;Pezzato, Antonio Celso;
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-35982010001000017
Abstract: the objective of this work was to evaluate performance and carcass and dressing yields of four broiler chicken lineages raised in confined and semi-confined systems. it was used 1,440 chicks distributed in a random block design with a 4 ? 2 factorial scheme, composed of lineage types (ross 308, máster griss, label rouge and vermelh?o pesado) and two production systems (confinement and semi-confinement), each one with four replications with 45 birds. at 84 days of age, four birds of each repetition were slaughtered, totaling 128 birds, for evaluation of carcass and dressing yields. access to the paddock (semi-confinement) did not affect performance neither the yield of the carcass of the lineages, except abdominal fat yield, which was the lowest in the semi-confined birds. considering only birds of colonial lineage, máster griss and vermelh?o pesado showed the best results for weight and label rouge, the best feed intake. broilers of master griss, label rouge and vermelh?o pesado, compared to the ross commercial lineage, showed the highest dressing yield, except for breast and breast meat, which were the highest in ross lineage. choice of lineage must be done accordingly to the market interest, since there are differences on performance and yield of dressing and carcass.
Rastreabilidade da farinha de carne e ossos bovinos em ovos de poedeiras alimentadas com ingredientes alternativos
Denadai, Juliana Célia;Ducatti, Carlos;Sartori, José Roberto;Pezzato, Antonio Celso;Móri, Cleusa;Gottmann, Rosana;Mituo, Mariela Akie Okino;
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X2009000100001
Abstract: the objective of this work was to detect traces of the bovine meat and bones meal in eggs of laying hens fed on commercial diets including alternative plant ingredients and yeast. the bovine meal detection was performed through carbon and nitrogen stable isotope technique. three hundred eighty-four laying hens were randomly distributed in eight treatments. treatments consisted of one control diet - a corn-and-soybean based meal - and seven diets with bovine meat and bone meal, including or not other ingredients (wheat bran, rice, cottonseed meal, corn gluten meal, sugarcane yeast and brewer yeast). at the 35th day, 24 eggs per treatment were randomly collected, 12 for egg analyses and 12 for yolk and albumen analyses. after isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen, the results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance. the average isotopic pairs of egg, yolk and albumen of all treatments differed from those of the control. the stable isotope technique allowed detection of bovine meat and bone meal in eggs, yolk and albumen, produced by laying hens fed on diets with inclusion of plant ingredients and yeast.

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